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Table 2 Clinical characteristics and diagnostic latency classified by the initially presenting motor phenotype

From: Determinants of diagnostic latency in Chinese people with Parkinson’s disease


Rest tremor (n = 65) A

Limb rigidity (n = 32) B

Walking problems (n = 15) C

Movement slowness (n = 19) D


Post hoc significance

UPDRS-III score※,b

8 (6,11)

21 (18,24)

36 (29,41)

27 (23,38)

< 0.001

A < B**, A < C**, A < D**, B < C**, B < D**, D < C*

H&Y grade#, a





42 (64.6%)






23 (35.4%)

32 (100%)

9 (60.0%)

17 (89.5%)


> 2



6 (40.0%)

2 (10.5%)


NMSquest score※,b

3 (2,6)

7 (4,10)

8 (4,10)

9 (6,13)


A < B**, A < C**, A < D**, B < D**

HAMA score※,b

5 (2,8)

8 (5,11)

13 (8,15)

6 (4,10)


A < B**, A < C**, A < D*, B < C*, D < C**

HAMD score※,b

5 (2,10)

10 (6,12)

18 (12,21)

11 (5,18)

< 0.001

A < B*, A < C**, A < D**, B < C**, D < C**

MMSE score※,b

28 (26,30)

29 (26,30)

26 (25,28)

28 (27,30)

< 0.001

C < A**, C < B**, C < D**

Time A※,b (months)

4 (2,6)

10 (5,12)

6 (5,10)

16 (11, 21)

< 0.001

A < B**, A < C**, A < D** B < D**, C < D**

Time B※,b (months)

6 (4,7)

11 (9,18)

16 (12,18)

8 (6.5, 15)

< 0.001

A < B**, A < C**, A < D**, B < C*, D < B**, D < C**

Time C※,b (months)

10 (7,12)

22 (17,27)

24 (20,27)

27 (23.5, 31)

< 0.001

A < B**, A < C**, A < D**,

  1. #results were presented as percentage
  2. results were presented as presented as medians (quarters)
  3. aanalyzed by χ2 test
  4. banalyzed by by Nemenyi test; * = p < 0.05; ** = p < 0.01; Bold values indicated statistically significant values; UPDRS = Unified Parkinson Disease
  5. Rating Scale; H&Y grade = Hoehn &Yahr grade; NMSquest = Non-motor symptoms questionnaire; HAMA = Hamilton Anxiety
  6. Scale; HAMD = Hamilton Depression Scale; MMSE: Mini mental State Exam; Time A = the time from motor symptom onset to patients’ initiation of medical consultations; Time B = the time from patients’ first medical consultations to PD diagnosis; Time C = the time from motor symptom onset to clinical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease