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Table 3 Comparison of associated brain malformations among individuals with hypoplasia or dysplasia and complete agenesis of the corpus callosum

From: Morphometric variability of neuroimaging features in Children with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum

Associated brain malformation

Complete agenesis

Hypoplasia or Dysplasia

Brainstem anomalies

4(9.76 %)

7(4.38 %)

Cerebellar anomalies

5(12.2 %)

8(5.00 %)


13(31.7 %)

5(3.13 %)


6(14.6 %)

17(10.6 %)

Dysplasia of the cerebral cortex

2(4.88 %)

8(5.00 %)

Dandy-Walker complex

5(12.2 %)

26(16.3 %)

Hippocampal anomaliesb

11(26.8 %)

15(9.38 %)

Isolated callosal anomalyc

18(43.9 %)

44(27.8 %)

Neuronal migration anomalies

14(34.15 %)

35(21.9 %)

Optic nerve anomalies

1(2.44 %)

5(3.13 %)

Probst bundlesa

18(43.9 %)

1(0.63 %)

Septal anomalies

0(0 %)

16(10.0 %)

White matter anomaliesc

4(9.76 %)

46(28.8 %)

  1. a p < 0.001, b p < 0.01, c p < 0.05