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Table 1 ICSD-II criteria for REM sleep behavior disorder

From: Actigraphy as a diagnostic aid for REM sleep behavior disorder in Parkinson’s disease


Presence of REM sleep without atonia; the EMG finding of excessive amounts of sustained or intermittend elevation of sub-mental EMG tone or excessive phasic submental or (upper or lower) limb EMG twitching.


At least one of the following is present:


   I. Sleep related injurious, or disruptive behaviors by history


   II. Abnormal REM sleep behaviors documented during PSG monitoring


Absence of EEG epileptiform activity during REM sleep unless RBD can be clearly distinguished from any concurrent REM sleep-related seizure disorder.


The sleep disturbance is not better explained by any other sleep disorder, medical or neurological disorders, mental disorders, medication use, or substance abuse

  1. EMG, electromyography, EEG, electroencephalography, PSG, polysomnography, RBD, REM sleep behavior disorder, REM, rapid eye movement.