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Table 1 Demographic characteristics

From: Outcome of MS relapses in the era of disease-modifying therapy

Sex, n (%)


73 (67.6)


35 (32.4)

Age at relapse onset (years)

34.7 ± 9.7

Clinical course, n (%)


31 (28.7)


72 (66.7)


5 (4.6)

DMT in RRMS/SPMS, n (%)


41/77 (53.2)


36/77 (46.8)

DMT distribution, n (%)

 Interferon beta

15 (36.6)

 Glatiramer acetate

9 (22.0)


6 (14.6)


4 (9.8)

 B-cell depleting antibodya

2 (4.9)

 Dimethyl fumarate

1 (2.4)


1 (2.4)


1 (2.4)

 Interferon + Teriflunomida

1 (2.4)


1 (2.4)

DMT duration (years)

2.1 ± 2.5

Relapses, n


  1. CIS clinically isolated syndrome, DMT disease-modifying therapy, RRMS relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis, SMPS secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis. a = within clinical trial. b = monthly methylprednisolone as individual approach