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Table 2 Number and risk of ipsilateral ischemic strokes on days 7 and 90 after the presenting event, according to the number of additional events

From: Recurrent stroke risk is high after a single cerebrovascular event in patients with symptomatic 50-99% carotid stenosis: a cohort study



7 days

90 days







n (%)

n (%*)

% (95%CI)

n (%*)

% (95%CI)


Clinically stable

155 (67)

12 (67)

8% (4–12)

22 (67)

18% (10–25)

p = 0.47†

Clinically unstable

47 (20)

4 (22)

9% (1–17)

9 (27)

24% (10–39)

Clinically highly unstable

28 (12)

2 (11)

7% (0–17)

2 (6)

7% (0–17)

0 events 7 days before the presenting event

183 (80)

14 (78)

8% (4–12)

24 (73)

17% (10–24)

p = 0.14†

1 event 7 days before the presenting event

32 (14)

3 (17)

10% (0–20)

8 (24)

35% (13–57)

≥2 events 7 days before the presenting event

15 (7)

1 (6)

7% (0–19)

1 (3)

7% (0–19)

0 events 7 days after‡ the presenting event

188 (82)

15 (83)

8% (4–12)

30 (91)

20% (13–28)

p = 0.33†

1 event 7 days after‡ the presenting event

27 (12)

1 (6)

4% (0–11)

1 (3)

4% (0–11)

≥2 events 7 days after‡ the presenting event

15 (7)

2 (11)

13% (0–31)

2 (6)

13% (0–31)

  1. * Percent of all strokes. † Log rank test. ‡ Events after the presenting event: Only additional TIA or amaurosis fugax that occurred before CEA and before recurrent ipsilateral ischemic stroke were analyzed.
  2. Risk figures derived from Kaplan-Meier analyses.