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Table 3 Convergent validity: PSQ item correlations at baseline with IRLS, POMS, and RLSQoL total scores

From: Validation of the post sleep questionnaire for assessing subjects with restless legs syndrome: results from two double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical trials

PSQ item

IRLS total score

(n = 540)

POMS overall mood score

(n = 539)

RLSQoL total score

(n = 540)


Correlation (p-value)

Correlation (p-value)

Correlation (p-value)

Sleep quality

0.4635 (<0.0001)

0.2319 (<0.0001)

-0.2986 (<0.0001)

Daytime functioning

0.4890 (<0.0001)

0.4818 (<0.0001)

-0.5663 (<0.0001)

Nights with RLS symptoms

0.2509 (<0.0001)

0.0388 (0.3690)

-0.1154 (0.0073)

RLS-related sleep disturbance

0.3186 (<0.0001)

0.1174 (0.0063)

-0.2371 (<0.0001)

RLS-related sleep latency

0.3725 (<0.0001)

0.1205 (0.0051)

-0.2870 (<0.0001)

  1. IRLS, International Restless Legs Rating Scale; POMS, Profile of Mood States; PSQ, Post Sleep Questionnaire; RLSQoL, Restless Legs Syndrome Quality of Life Questionnaire.
  2. Spearman Correlation coefficients.
  3. Higher PSQ scores correspond to worse RLS symptoms.
  4. Higher IRLS Total scores correspond to higher severity of restless leg syndrome symptoms.
  5. Higher POMS scores correspond to increased negative mood affect.
  6. Higher RLS Quality of life scores correspond to better quality of life.